Page name: Fairy Godmother Forest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-08-14 18:15:47
Last author: ancienteye
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Kingdom 3- Fairy Godmother Forest

Welcome to the secluded home and base of Fairy Godmothers.
This is were the magic is done and were the fair folk and magical creatures live.


Rp Below

Canicus felt a sort of dreading as he rode his horse back towards the castle, not really hearing the laughter and bragging around him. Despite his eagerness to join in hunting trips, the young man never participated in the actually killing or retrieving of animals--it would be detrimental to his royal image if he were to fall off his horse in a fit of hemophobia--and instead just rode his horse in the same direction as the rest of his hunting party and chatted with them. But this part--the return--always felt to the prince as though he was being pulled along by a rope around his neck.

Their horses were tired. Riding through two kingdoms at the pace they were going was never going to end well. But as they entered the forest finally, Pheora turned to his sister and beckoned her forwards. "We may be able to find rest soon," he said to the young blond haired girl who rode with him. He swore to make certain that Aulip was taken care of, but as of yet he had done a poor job of it. Being run out of their own kingdom as well as having to sleep outside of cities didn't exactly make her want to continue at all. They rode, though, the young girl looking as if she would fall from her saddle at any moment.

Hearing an unsteady clopping sound beyond the rambunctious noises of the hunting party, Canicus slowed his own steed to drift a bit behind, watching the feet of the other horses to see which one was acting weary. After a few moments, it became apparent that the noise was coming from farther down the trail, behind Canicus and his companions. The prince debated whether or not to alert the others before deciding to backtrack a bit himself to see who was approaching. When he saw a couple of blond figures on fatigued horses in the distance, he stopped, deciding that if they were hostile it would be wiser to stay closer to the hunting party.

They didn't get around the bend before the smaller figure with the long blond hair started tilting sideways from her saddle. Even as Aulip fell, Pheora was off his horse to cushion her fall. But he was just as weary and his legs didn't quite support him. They found themselves on the ground nearly underneath Pheora's horse, Aulip on top of her brother. Through some sheer force of will, he pushed her upwards, holding her still until he could gain his feet once more.

Canicus's eyes widened in alarm as he saw one of the riders collapse. Were they injured? "Demaret! Gallois!" Canicus called over his shoulder to the Count and Earl. "Come along!" And with that simple--and somewhat confusing--order, a Count, Earl, and three serfs followed the prince towards the two blonds while the rest of the party stayed behind to watch over the catch and the dogs. The Earl Gallois happened to be on the fastest horse and he arrived first, dismounting and giving Pheora a rather stern look for just being visible. Next was Canicus who looked them both over with concern and slight hesitation. Last was Count Demaret, who's steed was old and slow enough that the serfs were mere meters behind. "Gus! Help the lady." Demaret commanded his valet from atop the old mare.

Pheora saw them coming up and immediately came to again, watching them warily. He had had enough of the witch's tricks, and this might be another. Helping Aulip to lean against one of the horses, his hand went to his sword, flicking it two inches from the sheath as he took a guarded stance. He was trained in swordsmanship from childhood and even this many wouldn't be an issue if he wasn't so weary. He even forgot to tuck away the royal insignia of the fifth kingdom that was around his neck, denoting him as the heir to the throne.

Gus, the old valet, stopped short of approaching Aulip when he saw Pheora's defensive action. "Well, what is a ward of the fifth kingdom doing here? Wandering far, aren't you?" Gallois asked them, his expression appearing even stricter as he laid his hand on his own sword. "We won't hurt you, so long as you extend the same courtesy," Canicus insisted as he stepped down from his own horse. "Are either of you injured?" The prince took a cautious pace towards the two blonds.

Pheora looked at the man and narrowed his eyes. "Ward? Crown prince, actually," he corrected, not thinking twice about it. His eyes went to Canicus and he shook his head. "No injuries, however we have been traveling for two days without rest or pause." He looked back at Aulip, his sword pushed fully sheathed once more. "She needs sleep."

"You both do," Canicus mused as he looked over the riders and their horses. "...Your horses, too. You ought to travel with us. At least as far as the city. You may ride with Gallois and the lady with Demaret. Howe, Chapman and Gus will tend to your horses." Immediately Demarte dismounted to help Aulip down from her own horse while Gallois just continued watching Pheora as though he expected the blond prince to grow fangs.

Ironically, Aulip was the one who could grow fangs. Pheora nodded and watched as Aulip went with the man. He approached the one who was staring at him and waited. Nothing would make him make the first move at this point in time, mainly because he was too exhausted and his guard was up. He looked at Canicus with a frown. "How far is it to safety?"

As Demarte helped Aulip onto his mare, Gallois gestured wordlessly to his own steed, inviting Pheora to mount it first. "Only ten minutes by horse. Although, I believe this forest is not the most dangerous one in the world," Canicus smiled with a nod. "Is there anyplace in particular you intend to go?"

Pheora pulled himself up onto the horse and frowned, barely able to keep his balance long enough to sit there. He didn't want it to be obvious though. Aulip was faring better as she was being assisted. "The royal palace would be a good start," he said quietly to Canicus.

Gallois looked hesitant for a moment before deciding no, he did not want to share a horse with Pheora. Too much physical contact. "The palace? We could take you there, and you both will be welcome to stay the night, I assure you," Canicus promised. "But...I hope you do not scare easily..." At this he shot a stern look at the two younger serfs who were now whispering amongst themselves.

Waking a little from her daze, Aulip looked at Canicus with a weak smile. "We just managed to escape Sinistress," she said before her brother gave her a stern look. The girl grew quiet again and settled in. "What she says is unfortunately true. We do not scare easy." Pheora didn't want to tell them the complete truth, but it would be better to have it out.

"Sinistress? My dear, who is Sinistress?" Demarte asked Aulip from his seat behind her. Canicus, however, addressed Pheora. "Then no harm will come to you in the castle. You may explain your problems once we get there, but for now--" the prince appeared to be speaking to Demarte and Gallois at this point with a rigid tone "--we will let you ride in peace, as you certainly seem burdened enough." Gallois remained silent while Demarte pressed his lips together as though he were buttoning them.

"The dragon fairy," Aulip answered. "She is beautiful. But she wants to kill us." Pheora gave her sister a look but didn't say anything about what she was saying. Instead he looked at Canicus. "My thanks," he said, not wanting to have a lengthy conversation about his intentions.

If at all possible, Gallois appeared even more disapproving of the blonds when Aulip mentioned that a fairy was after them. Likewise, the two younger serfs began scanning the forests around them nervously while Gus faithfully attended to the tired horses. Canicus merely gave Pheora a respectful nod before he began leading the way back to the castle; followed by Gallois who was walking his steed as Pheora rode it, Demarte who attempted to carry out a light conversation with Aulip, the two fearful servants, and Gus with the exhausted mounts.

Aulip kept an eye on her brother, but wasn't adverse to conversing with Demarte. Pheora on the other hand, watched everyone with slightly narrowed eyes, worried that something was going to happen with his sister. Or himself. He finally settled on looking at Canicus with some level of confused interest.

When the small group met back up with the rest of the hunting party, there were some questions about who the newcomers were, but overall they continued to Cinderella's Palace without incident. Of course aside from the occasional young hunter straying to speak with the lovely Aulip, the others mostly let the five horses trail behind because they were tired--Aulip and Pheora's--old--Demarte's--had their owner walking beside it--Gallois's--or it was just the habit of the rider to take his time when leaving the woods--Canicus's.


Go to:
Kingdom 3
The Miss Guided Story
A Book of Miss Guided Fairytales

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2014-07-27 [ancienteye]: That ok, or should I have started closer to the castle?

2014-07-28 [ancienteye]: This may be a stupid question, but do we wait for Freya's Eden to do GM stuff, or are the characters close enough to notice each other?

2014-07-28 [Flisky]: They should be close enough soon if they're on a road or path at all.

2014-07-28 [ancienteye]: Ok. XP

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